SIGN UP for the Dance Group Performance Evening 2024

SIGN UP for the Dance Group Performance Evening 2024

Date: 1 November 2024
Time: All Day
Export: iCal, Google Calender

The Dance Group Performance Evening returns! Last year the first edition of the DGPE took place and it was a great succes, so this year we are doing it again and making it even better with your help! This year, it will be a very fun evening where a lot of Footloose dance groups are going to perform. The goal of the DGPE is that all dance groups can showcase themselves through dance performances to profile themselves and (if applicable) search for new members. We also hope to inspire other members to start new dance groups within Footloose.

You can sign up with an existing dance group, but also showcase a concept to start a new dance group and attract members. Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions!

The deadline for the dance group submissions is the 1st of November!

Log in to sign up your performing act.